Found it today #5

Okay, now it's time for your daily inspiration (how dare for me to call it daily, while i'm not posting daily :p).
Today I ran across few interesting things, it's not much actually, since i'm not in the mood of "wandering" (blame Mike Sego, blame Fluff apps for making an Egg Hunt 2009 event, i was stuck at Facebook just to find Easter Egg).
After this "Found it Today #5", i think i'm gonna take a break from sharing something...i'm bored actually, so you can expect less serious topic in the future (hey hey, don't be's not that i'm gonna stop sharing something, i'm just bored, and i want to make all of you laugh or at least smiling by reading my stories :p). So just wait for the next post...gotta think what should i write next :p my daily life maybe?
or, do you have an idea?

Ah, let's skip the chit chat part, let's get it on!

1. Tebe Interesno's Work of Photo Manipulation

Tebe Interesno is the screen name the designer used in his blog. It means "You Are Interested" in Russian, but his real name is Dmitry Maximov, a Russian designer (hey, i sound so me Mr. Google Everything). I love his work, combining illustration with photography. It seems so real, magical, and somehow cute. It probably what kids imagination when they see the world.
You can see more of his work at his livejournal :)

2. Fruit Juice Packaging by Naoto Fukusawa

Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa has created a series of creative fruit juice packages that have the look and feel of the fruit they contain. He thought that if the surface of the package imitated the colour and texture of the fruit skin, then the object would reproduce the feeling of the real skin. Hmm...i wonder when he'll be made a packaging for Durian Juice?or maybe Rambutan?hihihi...HAIRY!
As far as i could find, i only met 3 design, Kiwi, Banana, and Strawberry...there is one more design called "Tofu" for a carton of soya milk. If you want to know the design, just imagine a white, box-shaped, yeah...just like a tofu...simple.

3. What you should (not) do when on emergency : Fire
Okay, let's keep repeating this to yourself :
"i will not do thing like above pics when there is fire emergency"

Ah, i think that's all for today :) hope you enjoy that!



juice packagingnyaaaaaa... how creative!!!

awwww...... LOVE Dmitry's works!!!!!
ps. me think that dude is kinda melancholic somehow... huehehe..

how come he's kinda melancholic?
hahaha, but i sure love those illustrations :)


hahahahaha...#3...jd inget 30 ways to shock ur self...konyol...hahahaha...

great inspiration. came across your blog by chance. LOVE the layout!

@kle :
hey thanks a lot! :D

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