Just want to share this funny gif pic..hehe....
It's kind a remind me bout one of my fave childhood movie: dragonball..hihi
o...i love Goku so much...(✪‿✪)/
o...i love Goku so much...(✪‿✪)/
The father above is very funny...I can imagine that if yellow become a father *someday* He might kamehameha his child too..hahaha....am i rite, pink? ;)
gotta sleep now, nite all.....
iki anake kok isa ceblok ya?
opo wes kong kalikong ambek papane?
anake ngefans dragonball juga tibakne
(=^. .^=) dan...bapake ngguyu setelah anake ceblok... wakakak..
@ my darling blue: i think so.... hihihi..
oo anakku bakal takajak mainan...
dan akan kuberikan kamehameha penuh cinta... *nggacor*