Tonight, this panda is crying
Crying Panda...

so yesterday was my big day :) finally 24, and now i'm officially become more mature, more responsibilty coming, and also a lot of "been there, done that" moment i've passed. thank you for all my friends, colleagues, and so many birthday wishes and prayers...I thank you all!
and i thanks GOD for giving me all those blessings until i reached who i am right now, please keep an eye on us always :)

anyway, tonight i'm not gonna share my birthday party pics, i'll done it on my next post, besides, there are lot of photos, and some of them are on other be patient and i'll post it later :)

My day started with an alarm, 8.45 AM on saturday, means i've got to take care of Pink's farm *hahaha why did i sounds like a real farmer here?*, and then the day went normally as it wasn't my birthday. no problem, i've used to it..haha.
Replying all the birthday wishes that keep on coming, actually it's fun, seeing the messages from those who care about you, and from some that are not..hahah no problem, thank you anyway.

My most memorable birthday's greeting?
there are 2...from Pink and Blue.

this one from Pink. funny and adorable! it really describing me and my besties...LOL you really know how to make me smile

and this one from Blue...although she's faraway at HK...she still made me this, considering her busy schedule :)

afternoon, went to Atom, hunting for vampires and unfortunately, they weren't there *the truth?no one sell DVD...ah great another counter-piracy ops* so, i'm back home empty-handed. totally...great. (Dear Punk, please be patient for Damon and Stefan...hahaha)
Back home, planned to back online, see the farm, and suddenly the electricity went out. decided to sleep, and guess what?i even cannot sleep, there were so many workers doing their job renovating the house...purrfectooo. so i just waited the time to go to my birthday party.

So?what's my surprises for this year?
first thing first, from myself, i've decided to go pro on my career, and i take that as a challenge to become more advance.
so from now on, i'm not using a "freelance" term, but please welcome "Y-ellow!Creative", and hopefully, I'll make a business plan with you Pink :) remember my promise?let's make it work, and i mean it. God won't abandon you, so i ikut2 aja kecipratan berkat-Nya...hihihi...kali2 ajaaa nular dikit2 hahah

second-if this can be called a surprise-my besties has grown her hair back to the black, long-haired beauty..hahaha...i'll spell it for you pang...B-E-A-U-TIFUL... hahaha you look stunning :D
i'll reveal your surpriseS later pang...*see those (S)?*

you're a liar Vin! where's the G-String?? LOL

this one's came from Anvin, the one who couldn't came to my party, the packaging reallu ressembles himself as narcisstics...the wrapping paper actually printed with his own design. the content? a lil bit surprising, since he gave me a instant polaroid camera!
wow, i'll find the film and we'll take a pic together!
Pink, looks like i'm gonna go using this polaroid instead of my current SLR when we go hanging out! perfect match with your diary!

birthday card from Anvin...the image was actually a rhinoceros...can't you find more proper image of me?huaahhaa

Santa's Elf from Emmy and Andre...oh nice to see you Ndre...and thanks to both of you
already named it "Eman"...from Emmy + Andre...hahaha

seriously guys, next year, fill it with more dangerous things, or snakes, lizards, or chemical substant...

This much came from Ivan, Mario, Tina, and Bugs. packed tight with newspaper, cardboard, and so many newspaper again inside. FYI, the actual gifts was the books, the rest as you can see, i'll describe it for you :
1. 2 boxes of multivitamins, filled with stones
2. 1 box of cough syrup, again, filled with larger stones
3. 1 box of potato chips, again, filled with much more larger stones
4. 1 bundle of newspaper, again, filled with much more larger stones than before
5. 1 plastic bag, still, filled with 2 large stones that still had sands on it
i love you guys, no one will give me surprises (or should i say "challenge") like you could...hahaha
oh yeah, not forget to mention your greeting card
what kind of greeting card is this??i should decrypt it first before i can see those messages??

and now, for the final surprises : really make me smile and made my eyes wet in the middle of the night
a full supplies of Hello Panda snacks for 1 year!and it came with instruction's manual!

this ones really made me smile widely and you did a great job on my task "things that reminds me to you" Pang!
no one will gave me these snacks except you. and i'll make a storage for it :D one for each month right?
btw, should i remind you that the snacks expiry date is less than one year? should i eat it when it expire? no problem, still a long time before the expiry date kok :) oh sweet heaven! ^^

this one's amazing!i love the diary!illustrative, and witty X) sure we're gonna use that diary whenever we travel or hang out!
and, very much thanks for those black box... you shouldn't put yourself into troubles finding a gifts for me actually...
having you as my best friend means a lot more for me :,)

i love your poems, i love your words, and i love how you write the message right from your heart, i knew it whenever i read the messages.
so, let me do the same to you, i'll dedicate this message for you too. FYI, i was wetting my eyes when i read it first time.

"I'd like to be the sort of friends that you have been to me.
I'd like to be the help you've been always glad to be
I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day
As you have meant, old friends of mine, to me along the way.
I'd like to do the big things and the splendid things for you.
I'd like to give you back the joy that you have given me.
Yet that were wishing you a need i hope will never be.
I'd like to make you feel as rich as I, who travel on undaunted in the darkest hours with you to lean upon.
I'm wishing at this time that i could repay
A portion of the gladness that you've strewn along my way.
And i could i have one wish, this only way would it be.
I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me"

and i was wetting my eyes again when i type it...thanks for the lovely message Pang :,)

you remember earlier that morning i was waiting for your greetings?
hahaha...i mean it, because like i said before (what's the phrase?Novi 19:45?hahaha) : "You have an ability to persuade someone with your writing". that's why i still keep those birthday and other occasions card :)
sometimes, re-read it again can soothe and calm my feelings when hard times at work and others come :)
so blessed i am to have besties like you Pang.

anyway, it's 4AM in the morning...should go to sleep soon...and once again, i prayed to God.
"God, thank you for all those friends and one best friend you gave to me"


Bengkoang dan Miyabi
Hai! this is yellow speaking!
buat yang merindukan kehadiran post gak penting : "Hallo, i'm back!and i'm not dead!"
buat yang merasa musuhku : "HAHA!!maaf mengecewakanmu!i'm not dead!"

anyway, anyway...sudah berlalu sangat lama sekali sejak posting terakhirku. bukan karena malas, tapi hanya saja, i'm not in the mood of blogging...kalo bahasa kerennya : "Hiatus" (halah! emang elunya aja yang malas kali Nop, pake alibi hiatus segala). Sudah beberapa minggu ini diriku merasa sangat malas sekali, bahkan untuk guling2 di kasur aja, aku harus berpikir masak-masak...mmm ini maksudnya harus berpikir berulangkali, bukan lantas mau guling2 aja aku harus masak-masak, it's not like that.

Oke, jujur, aku ga tau mau nulis apa malam ini. mau nggacor juga bingung, rasanya arus hidupku beberapa minggu (atau bulan, lebih tepatnya) kebelakang rasanya berjalan datar2 saja. kejadian lucu?jarang. kejadian serius?ada sih, cuma ga penting2 amat. kejadian seram?ga ada, yang ada malah jadi kejadian malu2in...aku jerit2 di dalam ruang bioskop pas liat film horror, dan sukses membuatku tidak bisa tidur sampe jam 5 pagi.
bicara soal kejadian lucu...mmm sebenarnya ada sih..

jadi ceritanya seperti ini :
ada seorang anak muda (kalo tidak mau disebut tua bangka) yang lumayan keren, ditugasi untuk beli tomat dan bengkoang...rencananya sih bakal dipake buat masak sup. Nah, pergilah dia ke supermarket yang cukup ternama dan cukup mahal buat ukuran kantong orang Indonesia, Pasar Peternakan a.k.a Manch Rarket, yang seharusnya dia sadari sejak awal, ini supermarket, bukan pasar (hey, market adalah bahasa inggris dari pasar kan? apa salahku?).
ceritanya berlanjut kira2 seperti ini :
anak muda : *memanggil pegawai supermarket* "mas..mas...punya tomat sayur?"
pegawai : "tomat sayur..." *sambil melirik ke temannya, cuma melirik lho* "oh ga ada mas, kosong"

...untuk sesaat aku berpikir...apa kriteria pegawai supermarket sekarang harus bisa telepati atau bahasa isyarat?

anak muda : "oh ga ada ya....kalo bengkoang punya?"
pegawai : "bengkoang...." *kali ini diam sejenak noleh kiri, yang isinya cuma tumpukan apel dan pear* "oh ga ada juga mas"

...sial! jelas ga ada!! yang kamu liat itu tumpukan apel dan pear! nenek2 naek skateboard bareng jerapah juga tau!

anak muda : "oh...makasih deh mas...mas membantu sekali, tak henti2nya saya ucapkan terima kasih" *cuma 4 kata awal aja yang aku ucapkan...sisanya dalam hati*
lalu, telepon si anak berdering...
si penelepon : "gimana?dapat tomatnya?eh titip cemilan sekalian ya"
anak muda : "ga ada tomatnya, bengkoangnya juga ga ada...apa aku ganti sama tomat pasta aja ya?kan ujung2nya tomat itu buat dijus, jadinya kan juga berbentuk pasta..."
si penelepon : "ya gak sama! jangan-jangan kalo bengkoangnya ga ada, kamu mau ganti beli masker bengkoang juga?"
anak muda : "..."
si penelepon : "..."
anak muda : "..."
si penelepon : "jgn lupa cemilan"
dan sejenak aku berpikir...apa si penelepon yang sangat cerdas bisa membaca pikiranku?atau cuma aku yang terlalu idiot?
ah lupakan lah....


LANJUT! seperti judul post diatas...Bengkoang dan Miyabi...memang ga ada hubungannya. itu maksudnya cuma ada 2 cerita, satu soal bengkoang, dan satunya soal Miyabi...jadi buat org yang sudah berfantasi Miyabi akan menggunakan Bengkoang di film berikutnya...HAHA!!maaf mengecewakan anda!
siapa Miyabi?kenapa kok akhir2 ini namanya sering disebut oleh siaran televisi? *yang selalu membuatku menolehkan kepala ke arah televisi setiap mendengar namanya disebut* bagiku, nama Miyabi lebih mendapat tempat di otakku daripada nama2 pejabat korup, nama2 politikus...dan nama2 yang hanya menyengsarakan rakyat. Dia adalah bintang film Jepang yang direncanakan akan berkolaborasi untuk sebuah film remaja di Indonesia.

ini yang namanya miyabi
udah gw cariin lo ya gambarnya, ga usah ngesearch lagi...
nanti kalian malah nemu hasil search yang aneh2 (dan diinginkan oleh kaum adam) lagi kalo pake keywords "Miyabi"

nama aslinya Maria Ozawa...she's a controversy,because it's simple...she is a porn star. sangat disayangkan, padahal cantik lho. mungkin sebagian org hanya mengenal dia dari jeritan dan lenguhan dia sepanjang film *believe me, filmnya berisik!* tapi dulu aku pernah liat link video yang menampilkan kesehariannya, dan kamar apartemennya. dan?dia sama seperti remaja pada umumnya, jalan2, maen game bersama teman perempuannya di pusat perbelanjaan, makan fast food, photo box, kamar apartemennya pun jauh dari kesan porno...semua tertata rapi dan cantik. dan di akhir video, dia mengatakan bahwa meskipun dia pornstar, dia tak pernah sekalipun membiarkan filmnya dilihat oleh orang tuanya. just a simple girls, isn't she?

terlepas dari statusnya sebagai porn star, semoga filmnya jadi dibuat, dan orangnya jadi datang ke Indonesia.
gak sabar untuk liat! orangnya... :">

*yang menanti datangnya miyabi*

cute pet for your blog
click the pond to feed our three little pet :p

hello jello all ~
i was blogwalking when i saw these cute pet and i want you to have them too!

Adam Bowman, a freelance programmer who lives in Hallowell, Maine creates that. Open his page here to create your pond (which you could resize to fill your blog space) and choose your own pet (fish, hamster, penguin, turtle, or spider). You can also ask how many and what color..Isn't that great? ♥‿♥

That's all for now, i want to feed pinky, yelly and bluey then i got to back to work. C ya ^^~


nyontreng siapa?'s been almost 2 months. Life's been so busy and hectic.
Lots of things are happening. Not to mention that here comes our holiday already~ lalala..
Well, not really a holiday actually, just off from our assistant lecturer job but not for our design job.

This is not -yet- an update about us..but tomorrow is one of the most important day in Indonesia history, as we gonna choose our president. And i just can't resist not to post this funny pic i got from my mail..hihihi

*our president candidates compare to doraemon's family *

that picture (quite) describes our president personality n character ya??..hihihi
am i rite? :p btw, be a good Indonesia citizen by voting tomorrow ya :p

catch up with u all in the next post
gotta sleep now..

ps: i want doraemon to be the next president....(✪‿✪)

Hello, my name is Yellow
I've taken the Aura Colors' test earlier...

and here's my result, oh my, you're not gonna believe that my aura is exactly the same color with my nickname :D

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet.

Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously.

Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.

"Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friend", but why the dog bite me back when i was a kid??stupid dog...

anyway, take the quiz, i wanna know yours too :)
and thanks to Pink for sharing :D


Life, According To Bill Gates
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.
"Rule 1: Life is not FAIR - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it Opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So, before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to NERDS. Chances are, you'll end up working for one!"

via Facebook

a perfect choice for "small" snakcs

Last Friday, we went to Sutos (again). But before that, a night before, we've already decided where to eat...and the choice goes to : Kafe Betawi! (it's amazing we can decide where to eat, because usually we'd always answered it with : "sembarang", "aku ikut aja", "boleh lah", "meneketehe", "ayo giliranmu mutusi").
Anyway, change of plan, we came to Sutos far to early, thanks to Typography classes that end earlier that day. Decided to have a little snack time, the sacred question came again : "Where to?" hahaha...and again, we can't decided it. So that way, we went to try something different.. Frankfurter, famous for their "gigantic" burgers and hotdogs...what a perfect choice for "small" snack.

Braatwurst, beef sausages + turkey

this is Hotlamb, Lamb sausages with a slice of smoked turkey

this is Crazy Cheese, a combination of minced meat and cheese,
see those sausages compared with Pink's fingers?

Who said that size doesn't matter now?


Funniest News Today

Hari ini gue ngakak!! baca berita di koran, soal Facebook yang diharamkan! Seriously, don't they have something more important to discuss beside Facebook?

Bahtsul Masail Haramkan Facebook untuk Gosip dan PDKT
KEDIRI - Maraknya penggunaan situs jejaring sosial Facebook di tanah air juga mendapat perhatian para ulama. Berdasar hasil Bhatsul Masail XI Forum Musyawarah Pondok Pesantren Putri Se-Jawa Timur di Pondok Pesantren Putri Hidayatul Mubtadi-Aat Lirboyo, Kediri, 20-21 Mei lalu, hukum Facebook dinyatakan haram.

''Jika Facebook digunakan untuk PDKT (pendekatan) dengan lawan jenis, hukumnya haram,'' ujar Masruhan, perumus bhatsul masail, kemarin (22/5). Bhatsul masail yang diikuti 50 pondok pesantren (ponpes) se-Jatim itu baru berakhir dini hari kemarin.

Menurut Masruhan, untuk mengetahui karakteristik lawan jenis yang ingin dijadikan suami atau istri, Islam memberikan pedoman dan aturan sendiri. Karena itulah, tidak dibenarkan menggunakan Facebook sebagai media untuk pendekatan kepada lawan jenis.

''Kalau tidak ingin haram, harus to the point di Facebook. Misalnya, langsung mengajak menikah,'' tutur rais Lajna Bhatsul Masail Ponpes Lirboyo tersebut. (catatan si nopi : hauauahuhaah, masuk akal, abis ini satu2 friend listku takajak married deh, lalu abis itu kena hukum poligami. think dude!think! org gak kenal gak boleh berteman?kalo mau berteman artinya ngajak kawin? ya diubah aja namanya, bukan friend request, tapi "running married request" alias permintaan kawin lari)

Kepada kantor berita Associated Press (AP), Jubir Ponpes Lirboyo Nabil Haroen menambahkan, sekitar 700 kiai (ulama) sepakat untuk menyusun panduan dalam menjelajahi internet. Hal itu dilakukan setelah para kiai menerima pengaduan soal Facebook dan situs-situs lain di internet. Termasuk, kekhawatiran soal seks terlarang atau pornografi.

''Facebook dinyatakan haram, terutama jika digunakan untuk bergosip dan menyebarkan kebohongan,'' katanya. ''Facebook juga haram jika para pemakainya berbicara tentang masalah intim secara terbuka atau mendukung perilaku vulgar,'' lanjutnya.

Belakangan, Facebook menjadi situs paling favorit di Indonesia. Bahkan mengalahkan mesin pencari yang lebih dulu populer seperti Yahoo dan Google. Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara dengan populasi muslim terbesar di dunia. Di antara sekitar 250 juta penduduknya, sekitar 90 persen beragama Islam.

Facebook belum berkomentar soal hasil bhatsul masail tersebut. Tapi, Jubir Facebook Debbie Frost menyatakan, orang memakai jejaring itu untuk berhubungan dengan kolega maupun keluarga mereka tentang isu serta masalah-masalah lokal dan dunia. ''Kami melihat banyak orang dan organisasi memanfaatkan Facebook untuk agenda-agenda yang positif,'' katanya kepada Associated Press. (catatan si nopi : ya saya setuju oom! saya ketemu banyak teman masa kecil, saya dapet beberapa klien untuk company saya dari Facebook!)

Selain Facebook, Masruhan menuturkan, media-media lain seperti telepon seluler, chatting, SMS, dan teknologi 3G (video calling) dinyatakan haram hukumnya jika digunakan untuk pendekatan kepada lawan jenis. ''Tapi, kalau digunakan untuk hal-hal positif seperti berdagang, tidak haram,'' tegasnya.

Dia mengungkapkan, bhatsul masail juga membahas beberapa masalah lain. Misalnya, apakah dalam masa idah, perempuan boleh menemui petakziah yang bukan mahram (kerabat). Juga, soal hukum memuliakan atau mengistimewakan dukun cilik Ponari secara berlebihan.

Masruhan menuturkan, dalam masa idah, perempuan tidak boleh menemui petakziah yang bukan mahramnya. Sebab, hal itu akan menimbulkan fitnah. Misalnya, membuka aurat. ''Tapi, hukumnya bisa makruh bagi wanita yang sudah berusia tua,'' ujarnya.

Soal memuliakan Ponari, kata dia, hukumnya haram. Sebab, hal tersebut mengandung unsur yang tidak diperbolehkan seperti meminum air comberan yang najis. Meski begitu, memercayai Ponari diperbolehkan, asalkan orang meyakini bahwa yang menyembuhkan penyakit adalah Allah SWT. ''Minum air comberannya tidak boleh,'' tegasnya. (tyo/jpnn/AP/dwi)

yah yah yah, menghibur lah buat berita santai di sore hari... :)

via Jawapos

Today's Lunch : Sushi Mori
have a nice meals!

from Sushi Mori | 20.05.09
kisah sepotong Pear di Dante

Apa yang dilakukan sepotong Pear (atau kalo boleh disebut, sebongkah) di Dante?
Senin, 18 Mei 2009, pagiku dimulai dengan mengajar Komputer 2 (yang menekan jiwa, akibat 1 orang di kelas yang entah mengapa, mencerna apa yang aku katakan dengan kecepatan prosesor pentium jaman nenek nenek naek skateboard). Dilanjutkan asistensi DKV4 yang ternyata hanya dihadiri oleh 2 orang. lumayan lah, bisa pulang lebih cepet dari perkiraan.

Posting kali ini, diketik langsung dari Dante TP, tepat di tengah ramainya lalu lalang para pejalan kaki (ini di Dante apa trotoar?). Terdampar --atau kalo boleh disebut mendamparkan diri-- di Dante, niat hati ingin menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang masih tertunda. 2 tasks, logo and uniform, 2 different clients. Logo sih bukan masalah besar...tapi seragam?dan mesti diasistensikan hari rabu?oh no, kite kite gak punya bayangan sama sekali!! dan kembali, pertanyaan yang beredar adalah :
1. "Aku gak punya bayangan sama sekali lo seragamnya mau dibuat apa?" -- Upang
2. "Aku kok masih lapar ya?" -- Novi (ini yang paling gak nyambung dan paling gak tau diri)

Iya saudara-saudara, beberapa hari belakangan ini entah mengapa aku selalu kelaparan...gak kenal siang apa malam, kapanpun dimanapun, selalu lapar...menurut Upang : "kamu lagi masa pertumbuhan"
ha ha ha...badanku sudah segini, jgn dibiarkan tumbuh lagi...tapi aku masih mau kalo bagian lainnya tumbuh -- rambut maksudnya
the funny thing is, perut ini mendadak beribah jadi kolong tak berdasar tepat 1 hari sesudah saya memutuskan diet! maknyus! niat diet apa niat masuk MURI sebagai orang gendut terlapar?

btw, gimana kabarnya seragam yang harus dibuat?
naaah, ada kabar gembira...tiba2 datang sebuah SMS...yang isinya kurang lebih mengatakan bahwa desain seragamnya diundur sampe senin depan...huahuahuahuahahahaha...GAPAPA!!SAMPE KETEMU SENIN DEPAN YA!! :D

sebongkah pear (yang menyerupai tubuh yang posting)

Jadi, beberapa waktu lalu, oleh sahabat baik saya, Upang, dikasih sebuah artikel di Internet mengenai makanan yang sebaiknya dikonsumsi karena baik untuk tubuh dan tidak mengandung kalori. (linknya mana?nanti dimintain) dan mataku terhenti di sebuah artikel mengenai bentuk tubuh yang berpotensi mengandung penyakit. Jadi, sebenarnya ada beberapa kategori gendut yang sehat dan yang tidak.
kita langsung ngebahas yang gak sehat aja, menurut artikel itu, bentuk gemuk yang gak sehat adalah bentuknya menyerupai buah apel atau buah pear! sesaat setelah membaca artikel, dimulailah chat yang menghantam jiwa, kira2 begini :
me : "hahahaha, gendut kayak pear atau apel?hahaha"
upang : "iyo, itu yang gak sehat"
me : "kok isa ya, jadi aku ini masih sehat kan?hahahaha"
upang : "kamu kayak buah pear, kalo Big itu ndak, dia merata"
me : "mosok aku kayak buah pear?hahahaha"
upang : "iya serius"
me : "hahahahaha"
upang : "..."
me : "hahahahahaha"
upang : "..."
dia gak tau kalo aku sudah kejang2 di ujung sana...
*tidak benar2 terjadi, aku gak kejang*
dan sejak saat itulah, buah pear adalah seteru abadiku...

hari minggu kemaren, saatnya bersantai di rumah, seharian isinya tidur, sambil menunggu kepulangan Upang (ooh kemana dirimuuu??aku membutuhkan dirimuuuuu...buat panen hasil tani). Sesaat setelah pulang, diajak ke mall...oleh Yudianto, rencana awalnya cuma mau liat pameran anjing disana. MALES NYAAAAAAA. tapi akhirnya berangkat juga setelah diiming2i pijet :p
let's skip to the massage's part
nyoba pijet di Shuang reflexology, nyoba foot reflexology ceritanya, bareng Upang, Yudi, dan Hany (minus Chong karena meskipun badan gede kayak kingkong, tapi menurut dugaan kita2 sih dia gak tahan diraba2). Nice and warm interior...pelayanannya ramah...sofanya empuk...suhu ruangan pas...tukutukutuk...masuklah 4 terapis--yang notabene cantik bak cece2--sambil berkata "Ni Hao?" ---jdeeeeeerrr!!mampus kita semua!!

Cantik, kayak artis...dan rata2 masih berusia 20-an...kita2 sih enjoy aja, membicarakan mereka dengan bahasa Jowo, sementara (kita yakin) mereka pun membicarakan kita dengan bahasa yang hanya mereka dan Tuhan yang ngerti.

salah satu terapis cantik, baru 21...cantiiik

dan inilah muka yang beruntung hari itu
tawa kebahagiaan sang pemenang!

ah, anyway, coba Chong ikut...siapa tau dia bisa menemukan tambatan hatinya disini...cantik2 lo Chong :)

saatnya kembali bekerja...


Tagged by Pink
jam stengah tiga dini hari saudara saudara...benar, jam setengah 3 dini hari.
Aku mencoba tidur, dan gagal dengan terhormat. Sudah mencoba berbagai cara, ngitung domba dicukur, ngitung kepiting lagi jalan, guling2 sana sini dengan harapan kecapekan lalu tertidur, sampe kayang di tempat tidur. gagal saudara-saudara!gagal!

komputer supposedly udah tertidur dari tadi, tapi karena si empunya ini belum bisa tidur, maka dibangunkanlah si komputer ini dari peraduannya.
klik klik...kembali berseluncur di dunia maya, dengan back song "Climbing Up The Walls" punyanya Chris Cornell menemani.
ya, sudah hampir seminggu ini mengalami susah tidur di malam hari. Jujur, udah hampir 1 bulan ini banyak pertanyaan berputar2 di kepala...pertanyaan penting kepada diri sendiri...pertanyaan yang harus ditanyakan...dan lain sebagainya. Sembari rebahan, aku mencoba mencari sebab-sebabnya, mungkn aja penyebab susah tidur ini adalah :
1. saking sunyinya, pertanyaan2 kepada diri sendiri itu kembali datang berputar-putar
2. saking laparnya...jadi susah tidur
3. "ah elunya aja yang kebanyakan tidur siang kayak kebo, nop", ucap alter ego dalam diriku
dan efeknya jelas, kalo siang suka menguap...kalo kemana2 pengen cepet pulang dan melemparkan diri ke kasur.

Alasan nomer 1 adalah alasan paling sialan yang mungkin terjadi. gara2 alasan macam ini, tidur bukan sebagai pelepas penat dan capek, tapi sekedar time-lapse supaya cepet bangun dan melewati bagian sulit : "mencoba tidak memikirkan apa yang seharusnya dipikirkan". Someday, i'll write what's on my mind right now...sekedar mencoba mengurai benang kusut di kepala.

Ah anyway, akhirnya aku tau mesti ngapain selain meracau (yang aku yakin 63% org yang membaca ini bakalan garuk2 gak ngerti "ngemeng epe novi ini?", dan jangan tanya kenapa kok tiba tiba muncul angka 63%, i have no idea juga).
beberapa hari lalu di tag oleh Upang, biasa meme blog...setelah sekian lama gak menyentuh blog ini, malam ini posting aja ah...sekalian membayar "utang"...dan menguraikan sedikit isi kepala :)

8 things I'm looking forward to
1. Tidur dengan pulas, dan bangun tanpa menderita sakit kepala.
2. Bikin desain blog/website -- damn, i'm missing designing blog and website :(
3. Berharap bisa menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaanku
4. Menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan yang telah terhutang dan tertunda, dalam tempo sesingkat-singkatnya.
5. Beli lensa baru (which is, ntar siang)
6. Menanti kedatangan adik perempuan tercinta ke Surabaya (yes, i love my lil sis, yang paling nempel sama diriku), yang artinya...bakalan punya asisten pribadi buat disuruh suruh dan nyiapin sarapan...mwahahah
7. Diet, biar badan gak kayak buah pear
8. Bikin usaha sendiri diluar pekerjaan sekarang as website and interactive designer (ini sekaligus menjalankan cita2 sejak dulu, punya resto/cafe yang cozy/coffee shop)

8 things I did yesterday:
1. memberikan arahan kepada mahasiswa DKV4-ku, bahwasanya waktu pengumpulan kian dekat, dan kalian masih belum berjalan kemanapun. Saatnya berlari, kawan!
2. asistensi logo dan desain furniture, yang ujung2nya sukses :D good job to you too, Pink
3. Beli pulsa, dikarenakan masa berlaku kartunya udah mau habis, udah mau hangus! (penting gak seh buat ditulis?)
4. Menggambar dan Mewarnai (lagi...)
5. Nyusun dan Upload splash page buat Radez
6. Kirim mengirim file, balesin email2 penting (entah mengapa kemaren banyak email penting masuk)
7. Telpon salah satu klien lama, cuman buat konsultasiin webnya.
8. Nyuci sepatu (mmm...apakah melempar sepatu ke dalam ember berisi sabun lalu nyuruh pembantu untuk membereskannya termasuk dalam kategori "nyuci sepatu" ?)

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaanku
2. Lebih rajin berdoa
3. Olahraga, biar sehat
4. Spend more quality time for myself, which means, i don't have to think about other peoples.
5. Bangun pagi (sumpah ini susah!)
6. bisa berenang...tentu saja selain "gaya batu" yang nyebur lgsg tenggelam.
7. bikin artwork, sekedar senang2, syukur2 bisa laku dijual di internet :p haha
8. and, stop lying to myself... :)

8 shows I watch:
1. House
2. Chuck
3. Eureka
4. 24
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. Prison Break
7. CSI
8. Jericho

Ah...setengah empat dini hari..bagus...
I'm out! c u in the morning! :)
posting2 berikutnya, janji lebih penting deh daripada yang ini :p hihi


Not An Ordinary Friday Nite
guys, forget that comfy couch...'ve been a long time since my last post.
no, i'm not dead nor raise from dead...hahaha, it was a busy weeks, and somehow, i'm just too lazy to share anything.
But, today i'm back, just wanna do a quick share for you. As you've known that we usually spend our friday nite with movie and dining out, but not like yesterday. We've found new toys!

It's actually only a simple block games, made from wood, and painted with different colors.
the package came with a set of colored blocks, an arch-shaped block for the fondation, and a dice with 3 different colors on it.
the objectives is simple, just try to put as many blocks to the fondation without falling. you rolled up the dice, see what colors you get, take the same colored block, and put it. but believe me, it's harder than it's look!

the beginning, it was sooo simple, easy right?

all the players, we don't need those couches...all we need is concentration

make your move, make the person next to you suffer!

umm...since when the games became so hard?

Impossible! LOL


try at your own risk!

my pose while playing

the game was getting hot

hold your breath....put it right there

insanely beautiful

Thanks to Bucks for lending the spot for us to play this game :p
can't wait to play another game with you guys and girls again


Map of Manhattan - by Three Potato Four

This poster of Manhattan's map (titled 'Man Hat Tan') that was a collaboration between Three Potato Four and designer Jim Datz. It combines several of their loves - New York City, typography, color, 50's inspired illustrations, and urban signage.
Oh, and make sure you check their website, it sure full of interesting things and mostly unique :)

via Three Potato Four

Loewe : Sound

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Oliver Handlos, Matthias Spaetgens
Art Director: Michael Schmidt
Copywriter: Caspar Heuss
Director: Alex Feil
Production: Element E
Aired: December 2008

you should try to hear it with headphone or earphone to feel the sound's balance slide to the left... :)

. . .

via Youtube

Irma Gruenholz : Clay Illustration

Irma Gruenholz is an illustrator specialized in clay illustration and other materials which allow her to work in volume. Her illustrations are used in books, magazines, advertisement, online marketing, etc. I was stucked at her site just to see all her works, somehow it's cute, and imaginative. You can check some of her works inside this post, also visit her website to see more images

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via Deplastilina

Visionaire Magazine is a multi format album-magazine for fashion and art. Visionaire features a different theme and format each issue, and collaborated with many different artists to interpreted the theme. Oh yeah, while you have time to visit the website, check their previous issues too, so inspirational for a publication design.
On the latest issue, the theme was "Pop-up", and it is a really impressive pop-up book.
How impressive? check it out

p.s : this one's got my big should see how high the pop up in the video below.

For more detailed how's this magazine's pop-up work, you can see the video

. . .

via Visionaire


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