(un)Important notes
biar narsis, asal eksis

Judulnya doang bahasa inggris, cuman kali ini saya mau nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia (yang dicampur bahasa English). Why? ya simpel saja : Saya. Malas. Mikir.
jadi kalian punya 2 alternatif :
1. buat yang gak ngerti bahasa Indonesia atau sok keminggris (keminggris itu bahasa apa?ga tau, tiba2 lewat di kepala), tutup blog ini, trus makan obat nyamuk bakar sana (eit..oke gua bercandaaaa...jangan...jangan...taruh pelan2 obat nyamuknya ya...nanti kami kehilangan pembaca budiman)
2. buat yang gak bisa bahasa Inggris, berbahagialah, karena kalian telah dicerahkan dan dilapangkan jalannya.

Sebelumnya saya peringatkan, posting kali ini bakalan panjang dan gak ada penting2nya sama sekali, just enjoy!

Jadi sekarang ada beberapa hal yang berlarian di dalam otak (nah lho, ketauan gak ada isinya, buktinya bisa dipake buat lari-larian...), untungnya sedikit banyak otak yang-katanya-kosong ini bakalan diisi oleh sesuatu yang baru saya temukan dalam beberapa hari belakangan.
Oke, yang pertama, seperti yang kalian lihat pada gambar diatas--bukan, itu bukan gambar badak lepas--akhir-akhir ini kadar narsisme saya meningkat pesat, seperti meningkatnya pheromone pada gerombolan kambing yang horny melulu pada musim kawin, seperti tekanan darah penderita hipertensi kalau dijemur pas upacara bendera siang hari bolong (upacara bendera dari hongkong?pada siang hari bolong?snap...snap...snaaap), the point is : Me-Ning-Kat. Posting kali ini juga untuk memenuhi hasrat narsisme yang kian bergejolak (oke, kenapa aku terdengar mesum kali ini?)
Dulu culun dan pemalu, sekarang banci foto. Dulu takut kalo ngomong di depan orang banyak, sekarang banci tampil. Dulu lelaki sejati, sekarang rada banci. Oke yang terakhir saya bohong.
Suatu waktu, pas reuni teman-teman satu SD, ada seorang kolega yang berkata pada saya, "Wah, Novi gak berubah ya...". Saya cuma tersenyum kecil dengan mulut yang lebar--dalam hati saat itu saya berjingkrak dan membatin "yes, gue masih kelihatan muda!"--tapi itu sebelum dia menyambung perkataannya, "iya, gak berubah, tetep ancur kayak dulu". Kampret. But thanks, itu artinya saya sudah terkenal sedjak doeloe.

Anyway, kadar narsis saya yang meningkat diiringi dengan satu kecenderungan yang gak bisa dihindari. Sekarang kemana-mana, setiap saat dan setiap ada kesempatan, harus difoto.
Menurut Anvin Kurniawan S.Sn, kecenderungan ini dinamakan "Facebookus Nambahfotoyuk", adapun gejala-gejala ganguan mental seperti ini adalah :

1. Kemana-mana bawa kamera.
2. Kapanpun harus foto-foto, terserah mau dimarahi satpam, pas makan, pas nongkrong, semua harus difoto. Kalau perlu besok kiamat, nungguin depan rumah buat motret proses kiamat biar bisa masuk facebook. yah, bahasa kerennya "gaya dulu, mampus belakangan"
3. Abis pergi, pas sampe rumah, buka laptop, transfer foto, ngedit, biar malamnya itu juga bisa diupload.
4. Terakhir, tag teman sana sini.

Ngomong-ngomong soal kamera, saat ini ada 1 lensa yang saya butuhkan (baca : kepengen) untuk mendukung hobi narsis saya. Canon 50mm f/1.8. Semoga dalam minggu ini bisa kebeli :p
kamera narsisku dan calon lensa yang pengen dibeli.
please note : di gambar ini pake lensa yang f/1.4...yang pengen saya beli adalah f/1.8
walaupun cuma beda o.4 alias 2 stop, percayalah, saya harus jual kolor buat beli yang f/1.4

. . .

Kutu kupret, gua laper!malam jam 12 gini masih aja kelaperan, memang usus gak berdasar. Nah, hal ini lah yang jadi beban pikiran--dan tubuh--saya. Tadi siang bertemu dengan teman pas kuliah, yang sekarang sangat susah ditemui. Kalimat pertama? "Tambah lemu koen" yang kalo diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia kurang lebih : "Gila, loe ganteng abis sekarang" (maklum, saya coba translate sebisanya, kan saya bukan asli Suroboyo). Seperti biasa, saya cuma tersenyum kecil. Oke, jujur lupa, dia ini orang keberapa yang berkata saya tambah gemuk, bulu ketek diitung juga gak mungkin cukup buat menjumlahkan berapa orang yang sudah membeberkan fakta tersebut.
Tapi bersyukurlah saya hidup sebagai seorang lelaki, yang notabene gak terlalu ribet dalam urusan ukuran celana dan lingkar pinggang. Dan berbahagialah saya ketika salah seorang teman saya berkata, "Koen lek kurus gak lucu, ngene iki wis apik" yang kalo diterjemahkan lagi menurut saya akan terdengar seperti "Siap potong nih buat kurban taon ini". Buat yang masih penasaran saya segemuk apa, 169cm dengan berat 85kg. O-Ver-Wet (baca : overweight).
Saya harus diet, gak baek lemak ini kalo sampe mbleber kemana-mana.
n.b : mengetik sambil nunggu pesenan McD datang...

. . .

Next, seminggu terakhir saya kurang tidur. Bukan, bukan mau lomba pagi-pagian bangun dengan ayam tetangga, cuma entah mengapa sekarang tiap malam ga bisa tidur aja...ngakunya ngantuk, tapi pas sampe di ranjang cuma berbaring dengan mata menyala (mengerikan gitu??maksudnya mata terbuka...masih gak bisa membayangkan?ya liat aja ikan mas, hampir sama kok). Walhasil, akhir2 ini sering nonton DVD sampe nyaris pagi, atau kalo tidak, mencoba peruntungan dengan maen PSP (kali-kali aja tambah jago). Buat yang masih belom tau, saya sangat goblok dalam hal maen game.
Kapan dong saya tidur? Rata-rata sekarang baru bisa tidur kalo jam sudah menunjukkan jam 4 pagi. Kampret. Dan setiap pagi terbangun jam setengah 6 gara-gara ayam tetangga.
Bingung kan?tinggal di komplek perumahan yang cukup elit, tapi masih tetanggaan sama ayam?saya tekankan sekali lagi, itu benar! tetangga sebelah semenjak pelihara ayam jago, selalu berusaha membangunkanku dengan suaranya yang nyaring, jelek pula, parah abis! Suatu saat, lihat saja, akan kubalas berteriak disebelahmu, wahai ayam! dan herannya, tuh ayam gak pernah kedengeran suaranya kalo hari minggu atau hari libur, kayaknya dibius sama anak komplek biar gak ngganggu tidur molor mereka kali...atau jangan jangan mereka ikut persatuan Ayam, dimana tiap hari minggu atau hari besar, mereka gak siaran.

. . .

Another thing, kali ini lumayan penting. Saya. Harus. Bikin. Personal Web.
Oke, saya pernah berjanji pada sahabat baik saya--juga pada diri sendiri, bahwa saya harus menyelesaikan web saya sebelum tahun 2009. Dalam kasus ini adalah 1 Januari 2009. Sekarang tanggal berapa?yak betul sodara sodara, 1 April. Empat bulan...empat bulan! Sungguhan, payah. Buat PankPonk : akan segera saya selesaikan, lalu akan saya urus desain blog yang baru. I promise you...and please, don't be dissapointed >.<

. . .

Other thing, saya dalam 10 hari kedepan akan resmi menyandang status sebagai Penduduk Resmi Surabaya Yang Memiliki KTP. At last! setelah 5 tahun menetap tanpa KTP resmi. Dan saya tetap pada pendirian semula, bahwa birokrasi di Indonesia untuk warganya adalah : RUMIT atau sengaja dirumit-rumitkan. Kayaknya semua masih pada berpegang teguh terhadap prinsip A.D.U.L = Ada Duit Urusan Lancar. Bolak balik kantor Kelurahan, rumah Ketua RT, rumah Ketua Rw, lalu ke kantor Dispenduk, hanya untuk diwawancara perihal gak penting--yang katanya hanya formalitas :
pewawancara (P) : "Saudara siapa?"
saya (N) : "mm...Novi Irawan, Pak"
P : "Kok laki-laki?"
N : *kampret nih bapak2 kumisan* "mmm disitu kan jelas diketik jenis kelamin saya laki-laki" P : "berapa lama menetap di Surabaya"
N : "sejak 2003, Pak, tapi itu kan kuliah, nah sekarang pengen menetap sungguhan"
P : "kok gak ngurus KTP?"
N : "makanya...ini kan lagi ngurus sebagai warga negara yang baik" *wakakak, gue nggacor waktu itu*
P : "apa hubungan saudara dengan Nyonya Elviawati?"
N : "pak, itu...ibu saya...kandung...kan udah ditulis di kartu keluarga"
P : "sekarang saudara tinggal dimana?"
N : "Pakuwon City Taman Mutiara C3-35"
P : *liat-liat berkas sejenak* "oke, saudara tolong lengkapi surat yang menerangkan bahwa saudara memiliki kuasa dari si empunya rumah, bahwa saudara telah meninggali rumah tersebut, sekarang saudara pulang saja dulu, surat keterangan saudara diterima jadi warga Surabaya akan diselesaikan setelah menyerahkan surat kuasa tersebut"
N : "..."

. . .

Last thing on my mind, ini pengetahuan yang sebenar-benarnya GAK-PENTING-BANGET, Jumat lalu tepatnya 27 Maret 2009, dua puluh tiga tahun saya hidup, saya baru tau kalo Abon ikan di Okonomiyaki (sejeniz pizza made in Japan) itu bisa bergerak. Sumpah. Gokil Abis!. Keren. Jujur, saya terpana setengah bingung, kok bisa? dan kenapa dari 7 orang teman saya yang kebetulan ikut makan, HANYA saya yang tidak tahu? hahahaha...monyet...ini kedua kalinya Jepang "menjajah" kemaluan saya...umm maksudnya membuat saya malu, setelah insiden Es Serut Kaki Gouri--buat yang ga tau apa itu Kaki Gouri, itu semacam es serut, yang terdiri dari Es diserut, trus siram dengan sirup melon/strawberry. Done. That's it. So Simple. dipatok dengan harga 15 ribu. Sial. Gak heran kita dijajah Jepang...

Okonomiyaki yang sukses menambah pengetahuan saya.
please note : yang bergerak itu adalah lembaran abon ikan diatas itu.
see?bayangkan benda tersebut bergerak-gerak...cool!

Okay, intinya, ada beberapa hal yang musti saya lakukan :
1. Beli lensa baru
2. Diet...diet...diet...atau at least, kurangi cemilan malam hari seperti McD atau pangsit mie
3. bikin Personal Web (it's a must)
*gilaaaaa pendek amat kesimpulannyaaa, pertanda udah males ini*

yap. jam setengah dua dini hari. capek.
for my besties : why suddenly i'm thinking of you?kinda had an unease feeling rite now...hope it's nothing, and hope you're okay (in every single way). weird, semakin malam semakin meracau. Nite All!

"I want an empty head, i want to go to bed
for a long long long time"
The bird and the bee - whats in the middle


For Coldplay fans, maybe you've known that they'd just released their newest music video for the song "Life in Technicolor II". The video shows the traditional house that having a party, with an old-school puppet shows that transformed into a miniature Coldplay concert, with each member in real puppet forms.

According to the video’s director, Dougal Wilson :
the unique format was more out of necessity than aesthetics since the band could not defer time for the video while on tour. Instead, they suggested to Wilson they could be in the form of puppets for the video - an imaginative solution, which worked brilliantly.

Now, that answered the question "why the band didn't show up?are they having a chickenpox?or are they having an acnes attack?" :p Ladies and Gentlemen...Coldplay!

here's some of the music video's pictures :

and here's the result, Enjoy :)

We've past another Friday again...that means weekend is ahead :D

Okay, did you ever wondered how we spent our weekend (or at least, Friday is our weekend)? it was always simple actually....gone to the cinema, have a nice dinner, talk a lot about everything, from the important one to the very-unimportant-matters a.k.a ga penting!, and laugh (in fact, we laugh more than we talk...haha).

So, we think we'll review what we've done, what we ate, what we watched...oh one more thing, don't expect the review to be so professional, we are reviewing based on what we feel, and what comes to our mind at that time :p

okay, first thing first...let's go for some ice cream!!
yellow : "HEAVEN!!what should we pick...what should we pick..."

they look so tempting...Moooomy, can i have my ice creaaaam?pleaase?
pink had a combination of Durian and Cappucinno
and me?Durian with Ichigo a.k.a Strawberry...awww, sweeeeeet!

hey, finally 3 of us got our latest photos together! that's a rare opportunity!

This were our last night's dinner :D
clockwise : Japan Hamburger for Emmy, Salmon Teriyaki for Pink and Blue, Katsudon for me, Cha-Siu Men for Anton
I had the Katsudon, tasty, but not "like-eating-nectar-from-heaven" tasty
oh one thing i remember, this place's Green Tea...it actually GREEN...literally...

Yesterday's movie : Dragonball Evolution
nice movie actually, but we weren't understand the beginning of the story...like always, we were late (again...). but overall, worth to watch, enjoy the movie, and don't compare it with the mangas...cause the manga itself is full of fantasy things, besides, what do you expect from 40 issues of Mangas to be compacted into 86 mins of movie?

anyway, while i was searching for that DBE movie's poster, i run across this short comic from Miao :
this is funny...hihi

our friends : left-right - Anton, Pink, Lilly, Dennis, Chong, Emmy
i'm the one who take the photo, and Blue was gone back home earlier...
that's why you don't see our faces :p

Ah...i love my life...
Virgin Megastore Audio Books

Virgin Megastore Audio Books: Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, Snow White
Agency: JWT, Dubai, UAE
Executive Creative Director: Chafic Haddad
Creative Director: Elias Haddad
Copywriter: Elias Haddad
Art Director: Rayyan Aoun
Photographer: Jeremy Wong (nemesis Pictures)
Illustrator: Baiju Natarajan/Tarek Samaan
Account Supervisor: Prabhakar Iyer
Advertiser's Supervisor: Tarek Moussawer
Other Credits: Prabhakar Iyer/Magic Cube/Mirage Works/Nabil Kamara/Emily Haddad

●Dekave Empat●
Uhm hm..
First, dear my beloved blue and dangerous yellow with your deadly fart..
Since we're all tutor in dekave empat, allow me to write something for my students. :)
I think this post is useful for yours too.. *wink wink*
Love you two!

Second, dear you: dekaveempaters...
I don't know what's wrong with the time schedule between your presentations and the lecture you're getting in class.. *thank God if you attend the class, soon you're going to miss it. Trust me.* But it seems like they're not synchronize... and you're forced to present something that you know nothing about. AND.... Your third presentation is coming soon, but I see that really few of you who are willing to take initiative and dig deeper, search, read, note, nor learn more by your very own initiative. *sad*
Brand, branding, and marketing is such a playful and fascinating world.. Who knows you'll be ended becoming a strategic planner one day, or working on one prestigious media specialist agency, or else..

Do not depend on your tutor's words only.. :) Seriously.
The IMC world keeps evolving every single day. New medias, new trends, new issues and other new things are invented continuously. Pay attention to your surrounding, open your eyes, listen more, broaden your knowledge. Everything you learn will be useful for your own sake. phew..... me-sound so serious now... hahahaha..

uhm uhm.. :">
so.. I spent my afternoon to search for my 3 years old archive about your task right now, IMC. I'll share it with you. :)
ps. since I'm only human, I'd be glad to take revision from anyone.. ♥

subtitle : Bahasa Indonesia.
Presentasi 1
The brief
Product Analysis
- kalian bisa pake 5W + 1H
Market Analysis
- bisa meninjau aspek harga, varian produk yang ditawarkan, apakah sesuai dgn TM (target market)nya.
Consumer Analysis
- always meninjau 4 aspek: D-G-P-B
Competitive Analysis
- secara general; co: NIKE (sepatu) vs Swallow (sandal)
mengapa? karena sama-sama alas kaki.
- secara khusus, bisa ditinjau dari macam-macam; co: jenis dan karakteristik, tampilan, placing, selisih harga, teknik promosi yang dilakukan, sikap/opini masyarakat, dll.
- strength: keunggulan dari brand tersebut; co: busanya lebih sedikit, ukuran produk lebih besar dibanding kompetitor, dll
- weakness: kelemahan; co: kemasannya tidak menarik, bahan yang digunakan sulit didapat, dll.
- opportunity: apa yang masih bisa dikembangkan; co: membuat kemasan yang lebih kecil supaya harga lebih terjangkau oleh masyarakat, dll.
- threat: ancaman; co: kemasan yang ada mudah ditiru oleh kompetitor, dll

Presentasi 2
Function + Personality + Differentiation + Source of Authority = Brand Essence

(Consumer Insight + Human Insight) + Brand Essence = Preposition

Apa bedanya CI dan HI?
Contoh kasus dari nonikku Tin2, kliennya adalah salon mobil A.
- mobil dicuci dengan bersih.
- mobil yang dipoles hasilnya benar-benar mengkilap.
- mobil yang ditinggal tidak disalahgunakan.
- mobil yang diservice tidak beset-beset.
- dll.

- Mayoritas orang merasa lebih bangga kalau mengemudi kendaraan pribadinya dalam keadaan bersih.
- Masyarakat dengan penghasilan berlebih dan memiliki kendaraan pribadi tidak keberatan untuk menyisihkan sebagian uangnya untuk sekedar mencuci kendaraan pribadinya di salon mobil.
- Banyak orang yang malas untuk mencuci/merawat mobilnya dengan berbagai macam alasan seperti capek, sibuk, repot, dsb.
- dll.

Mengertikah kalian perbedaannya? I hope so. :)

Presentasi 3

Sebelum lanjut, sudakah kalian melakukan survey? :)
"lo, harus ta ce?"
"lo, aku belom ce.."
"gae apa?"

well well..
sebenarnya survey itu sudah harus kalian lakukan sejak awal-kalau kalian punya gambaran lengkap tentang project kalian ini. Mengapa? Sebab kalo belum, lantas darimana kalian memilih kompetitor yang ada di presentasi 1? Apakah semuanya asumsimu sendiri? Subjektif sekali dong tugas ini nantinya...

Advertising Strategy
- Competitor claim: klaim/keunggulan apa yang ditonjolkan oleh kompetitor? Bisa diulas dari tagline mereka atau dari opini masayarakat. (survey)

-Marketing Objective:
a. Umum, co:
+ Memperkenalkan brand A pada masyarakat.
+Menghidupkan kembali brand A yang sempat redup di tahun 2008.
+ Meningkatkan awareness masyarakat terhadap brand A, khususnya di daerah X.
+ Meningkatkan penjualan secara bertahap dan signifikan.
+ dll.

b. Khusus, co:
+ Menjadikan brand A sebagai pemimpin pasar di kelasnya.
+ Menjadikan brand A sebagai opsi pertama dalam benak masyarakat.
+ dll.

-Marketing Strategy
diulas dari 4P:
1. Product, co:
+ Menambah varian produk/jasa yang ditawarkan.
+ Mengubah kemasan.
+ Menambah jumlah produksi sehingga bisa memperluas pasar di daerah X,Y.

2.Price, co:
+ Melakukan penyesuaian harga (dinaikkan/ diturunkan) dengan pertimbangan bla bla bla --- kondisi apa yang aktual terjadi saat ini.
+ Memberi diskon pada event-event tertentu.

3. Place, co:
+ Membuka cabang/stand baru di lokasi X yang dirasa lebih strategis dan dapat meningkatkan penjualan.
+ Meningkatkan pendistribusian produk ke daerah Y dengan alasan bla bla bla.

4. Promotion, co:
+ Membuat POP *apa itu ce POP* It is Point of Purchase. *apa itu ce point of purchase* Bertanyalah pada Om Google. :)
+ Merancang IMC yang efektif dan insightful alias tepat guna.
*Bagaimana bisa tepat guna kalu kalian belum survey?* wek.
+ Mengadakan event.
+ dll

- Target Audience
ditinjau dr 4 aspek, disesuaikan dengan brand/klien-mu, buatlah 3 profil kepribadian.
Contoh: kalau brand A TM dimulai dari usia 15-50 tahun, berarti sudah terlihat ada 2 generasi. Buatlah "Brian", pelajar SMU X, "Alexandra", wanita karir yang sukses/ibu rumah tangga, dan "Jack", kepala rumah tangga yang bekerja sebagai direktur/tukang ledeng/tukang becak/pelukis/ dll. Mengapa?
Karena kalau range TM yang dituju besar, otomatis media yang digunakan pun bisa lebih dari satu. Jarang sekali ibu rumah tangga yang mendengarkan EBS FM/ DJ FM, dan sebaliknya sedikit sekali anak SMU yang membaca tabloid Nakita. dll.

Bayangkan keseharian si Brian, Ibu Alexandra dan Pak Jack.
Apa yang mereka lakukan sejak bangun tidur? Jam berapa mereka bangun, ke mana, naik apa, membaca apa, mendengarkan apa, makan di mana, shopping kah mereka, olah raga kah mereka, teman-temannya seperti apa, dll dll.

Dipikirkan dengan baik, supaya kalian bisa membayangkan point of contact apa yang efektif. :)
*Seandainya sudah survey, proses ini pasti lebih mudah* wek.

IMC Objective, co:
a. membangun citra brand A sebagai ..... di mata masyarakat.
b. memberikan informasi/ pesan yang sama.
c. menghasilkan konsistensi reputasi antara citra brand dengan korporat.

Sebelum lanjut lagi,
buka link ini, ini adalah list e-book (pdf files) dari Philip Kotler dan teman-temannya yang lain. *Sapa iku ce Philip Kotler?*
Om Google bisa bantu jawab kok :)
Download lah Marketing Management, edisi biasa boleh, edisi millenium boleh.
Males? Cari di perpus....... ADA. Di buku ini dijelaskan mengenai IMC, dan kalian bisa menemukan bahan yang kalian butuhkan mulai halaman 267.

Cek link ini, dan ini. Dibaca dan dipahami ya..
Dari link-link di atas kalian masih bisa menjelajah ke mana-mana. :)

IMC Strategy
-----perlukah positioning baru? Sudah adakah sebelumnya?
Kalau belum ada/perlu mengganti, tambahkan di strategimu. Strategi yang lain meliputi:
1. Advertising; co:
- membuat iklan.
- menciptakan 1 ekspresi/kesan khusus melalui cetakan/warna/suara.
- merencanakan repetisi komunikasi yang terpadu.
- menciptakan template untuk iklan cetak.

2. Promosi Penjualan
merancang promosi penjualan dengan tujuan:
- komunikasi: menarik perhatian dan memberikan informasi (melalui POP, seragam, dll).
- insentif: menggabungkan kebebasan, dorongan/kontribusi yang memberi nilai bagi konsumen. (co: program berhadiah)
- ajakan: ajakan untuk melakukan pembelian pada saat itu juga.

3. Hubungan Masyarakat; co:
- bekerja sama dengan pers untuk publikasi sehingga memiliki kredibilitas di mata masyarakat.
- menciptakan strategi humas yang mampu menjangkau masyarakat yang cenderung menghindar dari SPG.

4. Penjualan Perseorangan, co:
- mengadakan training karyawan bagian marketing untuk menghadapi konfrontasi personal.
- mempererat hubungan dan menjalin koneksi secara berkesinambungan sehingga mengetahui selera masyarakat.
- dll

5. Pemasaran Langsung; co:
- Non publik - ditujukan untuk orang-orang tertentu.
- Disesuaikan - disiapkan untuk orang-orang yang spesifik.
- Terbaru - disiapkan dengan cepat.
- Interaktif - dapat diubah/ disesuaikan sesuai reaksi yang didapat.
- dll.

Ini hanya sekedar contoh. :)
Kalau kalian membaca buku lain, ada point yang lain, boleh-boleh saja ditambahkan.
Semakin banyak buku referensi semakin sip! :)

IMC Tools & Media
IMC Tools:
1. Advertising:
- template iklan di media cetak
- iklan radio & cetak
- poster, flyer
- billboard
- signage
- pameran di tempat penjualan
- simbol/maskot & logo

2. Promosi Penjualan (Sales Promotion):
- kontes, permainan, undian, lotere
- pameran
- fasilitas penukaran/garansi
- program berkelanjutan
- pembentukan club khusus/membership

3. Hubungan Masyarakat (Public Relation)
- siaran pres
- annual report
- sponsorship
- publikasi
- melobi
- event

4. Penjualan Perseorangan (Personal Selling)
- menjalin koneksi

5. Penjualan Langsung (Direct Selling)
- Katalog
- e-shopping
- surat
- email

IMC Media:
Above The Line (ATL)
- Media massa cetak: surat kabar nasional/lokal, tabloid, majalah.
- Iklan radio: radio A, radio B (sesuaikan segmentasi radio dan TM-nya)
- Media luar ruang: billboard, umbul-umbl, poster, ambient media, dll.

Below The Line (BTL)
- Media promo event: umbul-umbul, spanduk
- Merchandise: topi, pin, kaos, mug, dsb.
- Kemasan
- POP (wobbler, flag chain, showcase, dsb)

heits... untuk media yang dipakai, yang kreatif ya! :)
Kalian bisa main-main bentuknya, tampilannya, dimensinya, letaknya, dll.
Tapi ngomong-ngomong, tahu nggak apa itu wobbler, self talker, flyer, katalog, flag chain, display stock, signage, dan teman-temannya? Tahu nggak bedanya? hmm....

Stop sejenak, coba main-main ke sini. POPAI ini adalah Point of Purchase Advertising International yang basisnya ada di Italy. Foto-foto yang ada di photostream-nya ini semuanya berhubungan dengan marketing mix yang sedang kalian pelajari sekarang.
Browse per-tag supaya kalian bisa lebih jelas. Di sana ada merchandising, ada POP, ada roadsign, digital display, promotion, purchase, dll.



Presentasi 4
Creative Strategy

- Situational Analysis
Ada issue-issue sosial, ekonomi, politik, kesehatan, dll apakah yang sedang terjadi dan ada hubungannya dengan brand yang kalian bahas? Apakah ada UU yang baru dikeluarkan pemerintah? Adakah larangan tertentu? Make a list.

- Competitive Ad Analysis
Ambil salah satu contoh iklan dari masing-masing kompetitor (yang ada/pernah beriklan), tinjaulah iklan itu dari aspek visual dan copy-nya. *sudah dapet tindes-kan?* hohoho... Kesan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh mereka? Pesan apa yang kalian tangkap? dll dll.

- Positioning
Sekedar repetisi dari depan, apa positioning dari brand kalian? Are u sure?

Creative Execution
eng ing eng.... What is big idea?
"Ide yang besar ce..." - DUH! Don't even try to answer with that okay..
I'll kitik kitik you.
Read, read, read. Browse, search, go to library, enriched your self with lots of literature. And find the definition with your own words... :)

"Lho ce... big idea itu sama tah ambe tag line?"
hmm.. ok, read this.
Got it? Goooooood! :)
No? Read this and this. Still lost? Well.. Godspeed. lalala~

2. Concept Creative
Berangkat dari big idea yang sudah mantap, ciamik dan sip, buatlah konsep kreatif yang akan menggambarkan formula dari rangkaian promosi yang akan dibuat.
Di sinilah kalian membuat benang merah dari keseluruhan visual campaignnya. Berpikir dan berkreasilah..... :)
a. Aspek visual
Secara keseluruhan, campaign yang dibuat akan menampilkan adegan dengan tema ........ contohnya adegan 1, 2, 3. (Ini bisa menjadi visual iklan koran/majalah/tabloid). Korelasi yang ada tampak pada situasi ...... di mana endorser yang ada memakai/menggunakan/memegang/berada di, dll. Konsistensi desain yang ada juga diterapkan pada penggunaan warna S (200, 23, 3) dan B (0, 20, 40).
Apakah ada motif tertentu? Di mana letaknya? Ukurannya? Apakah logonya ditampilkan? Di mana? Copy-nya? Tagline-nya?
Coba perhatikan interface dari web 3 ini, adakah konsistensinya antara 1 dan yang lainnya? Ingat-ingatlah billboardnya yang bertebaran di Surabaya. Meskipun berbeda ukuran dan warna, tetap mudah dikenali kalau itu adalah billboard dari 3. Begitu juga dengan Axis, BNI 46, dsb. Mengapa?

b. Copy
Headline yang digunakan adalah "Je suis juste un titre". Headline ini menyatakan bla bla bla. Perlukah bodycopy? Eits.. Tahukah perbedaan headline, tagline, copy, bodycopy & description? *duuuh...opo maneh iki ce?* Cari tau ya...
Ini dulu adalah pertanyaan dari salah satu dosen pengujiku. *wink*

3. Media Strategy
Competitive Situation (Data Media)
Of course, isinya data media yang kalian pakai. Semakin lengkap semakin sip. Plus, kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing media yang dipilih; mulai dari koran, majalah, radio, dll. Kalo nggal salah kalian pernah dapet tugas seperti inin kan? ;)

4. Kegiatan Periklanan Pesaing
Ini buat kelompokku, kalian udah buat di presentasi sebelumnya. Pindahkan ke sini ya.. Buat yang ngga ada, ya sudah it's ok. :)

5. Media Objective
Ini alasan pemilihan media. Kalo biasanya kalian cuma ditanya "kenapa kok pakai JP, kenapa kok radio SS?" dll dll, nah sekarang tuliskan alasannya. Jangan cuma ditulis "karena sesuai dengan target audience-nya", tulis yang detil satu per satu. Karena ga mungkin kan TA JP dan radio SS sama plek? Sama-sama radio, SS dan Metro pun juga memiliki TA yang berbeda.

6. Eksekusi
olala.... Saatnya CS, FH, AI, Word, After Effect, Premier, Itunes, WMP mewarnai hari-harimu...

a. Booking temanmu yang punya kamera SLR/handy-cam dan baik hati jauh-jauh hari.
b. Jaga hubungan baik dengan klien, karena kalian masih harus ke sana untuk poto-poto...
c. Siapkan endorser yang tepat! Wajah, usia, tampilan fisik, dll.
d. Siapkan wardrobe-nya. Kostum, aksesoris, dll.
e. Perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan sesuai konsep; co: awan kintoun, tongkat pramuka, sayap kelelawar, bulu mata angsa, dll.
f. Voice talent - untuk iklan radio; karakter apakah yang ingin diperdengarkan? Ibu-ibu rumah tangga? Mbak-mbak resepsionis? Ibu negara? Nenek tua?
g. Backsound - untuk iklan radio; bisa lagu/sound effect.
h. Siapakah editor-mu??
i. Fotolah sebanyak mungkin saat pemotretan, take-lah sepuas mungkin saat pengambilan gambar, record-lah semaksimal mungkin saat recording, susah lo ngumpulin orang-orang yang dibutuhkan...
j. Saling bantulah dengan temanmu...
k. Recheck lagi apa yang harus/ingin kamu mock up. Sudahkah pesan pin? Mug? Topi? Ngeprint buku menu/katalog/brosur/flagchain/banner dll? Kapan maket untuk event-nya jadi? Seragam SPG/karyawan/pelayan kapan selesai dijahit? Bordir handuk/syal/saputangan? dll dll......

Strategi boleh tokcer, tagline boleh maknyus, tapi mata dan telinga ini tetap butuh dimanjakan oleh hasil akhir yang waow... (speechless saking apik-e) bukan waow.. wth?! ok!!!!

For some inspiration:
the best designs, here
the FWA, here
artz mania, here
more inspiration, here
get some texture, here
play with your fonts, here
ads of the world, here

7. Media Schedule
Buatlah tabel untuk memudahkan dirimu sendiri, pembagiannya terserah; mau perhari, perminggu, perjam kalo nekat. Tapi kira-kira tabelnya seperti ini:



Tips: supaya mudah diindentifikasi, gunakan warna yang berbeda untuk media yang berbeda. :)

8. Media Budget Estimation
Buat budgeting, of course sedetil mungkin.
Setiap tool, setiap media yang dipakai dihitung semuanya. :)
Dipisah-pisah boleh, dibuat satu tabel keseluruhan juga boleh...
Jangan cuma copy paste dari temanmu.. *rawr*
Don't forget: hitung semuanya.
Produksi, distribusi, launching, merchandise, harga kertas, cetak, pin, tas kresek, sewa sound system, lighting, iklan koran, radio, ad-lips, spanduk, signage, sticker, dan sebagainya.....

"Lo ce.. aku masukno biaya kreatif apa nggak ce?
"MASUKkan saja..." hohoho!!
*Penasaran memangnya berapa sih kalian menghargai kerja keras kalian sendiri* kiek..kiek..

Last inspiration buat tugas kalian, check this.

Good luck guys!!!!
Anti Theft Lunch Bag

Pank Pink Punk
kamehameha •°°•.☆

Just want to share this funny gif pic..hehe....
It's kind a remind me bout one of my fave childhood movie: dragonball..hihi
o...i love Goku so much...(✪‿✪)/

The father above is very funny...I can imagine that if yellow become a father *someday* He might kamehameha his child too..hahaha....am i rite, pink? ;)

gotta sleep now, nite all.....

Well Done Pink.

Do I need to say more? This is so freaking mbeteisasi....... :,(

Pink Punk
Inglish Vocabulary
Do you ever heard of Inglish?
Inglish is an Indonesian languange that got mixed with English language (okay, i made that up, there is no such thing as Inglish). maybe some of you ever heard one of communication provider TV-ad's like this :
"hello mister, Agus...me good good only" being pronounced with javanese dialect.
At present times, Inglish have grown to many types, and the one we're gonna learn is Provincial Inglish. (based on my explanation, why i sounds so serious?no no...like juwt said "it's not so important information, but it's fun")

let's take a look.

Provincial Inglish... are like the ones mentioned below:
Jakartenglish – Jakarte Inglish is marked by the 'sih', 'deh', 'dong', 'nih', etc.
e.g :
- That book is very good, deh.
- Can you speak english? ... yeah a little sih I can!
- Use my money first nih..
- Give me more dong..
- How sih? Little little angry..

Javelish.. The typical Javanese language: 'lho', 'lha', 'tho', 'kok', 'ki', etc. Usually, it is being used at Central Java
e.g :
- Lho, I already bought that book!
- Kok, buying again?
- I told you many times 'tho' !
- Lha, I didn't know tho yo... how ki !?
- Don't be like that, noh....!?

Other exclamation words of Java: 'wo~', 'wah', 'wé', 'jian', and 'jéh'
e.g :
- Wé, lha this book is mine jéh...!
- Wo~, only like that tho!
- Wah, expensive, tho?
- Jian, Vera is beautiful tenan.

Surobenglish is marked by 'tah' and the famous word is 'diancuk'
e.g :
-Do you feel sick, tah ?
-Diancuk... he took my money !

There are also abundant 'sound effect' in Javanese language. but actually, it's just an exxageration, and it didn't have any meaning at all..
e.g :
- Suddenly, mak bedhengus Curtis appeared
- My head feels pain, mak cleng!
- Mak tlepok, I got a manggo !
- My chicken is suddenly died, mak cekengkeng
- Mak gedebug, Curtis fell down.

and that's some flash introductions to Inglish. :D
keep practicing...and i'm sure you'll get better at this.

i feel HOT tonight, baby...literally!
Okay, tonight, i feel so Hot! and i'm sure it's not only me alone feeling it..
this city is getting hot as before the rainy season!
let's define Hot

HOT |hot|
adjective (hot.ter ; hot.test)
- sudden rise of temperature that above normal, and it causing Air Conditioner not to work properly, or even we can't feel the breeze
e.g : why it's so hot tonight??
- the situation that force us to use another extra fan, either it manually (with human-power) or automatic (with electricity)
e.g : why it's so hot tonight?? *with hand fluttering a fan or elses*
- my status in facebook, twitter, plurk, and other social networking
e.g : Novi is wondering why it's so hot tonight??
- the situation that can cause trouble
e.g : why it's so hot tonight?? what are you looking at?! do you have a problem with me??

anyway, in this hot weather, i've done some research for you,
p.s : the analysis here are based on my knowledge, which is mostly biased because my brain also melting with this temperature...
let's take a look at this weather report
source : Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Indonesia

let's see the table above...the table says to us that the hottest city in Indonesia is Surabaya, yes, this very Surabaya. the lowest temperature is 24 degrees and the highest temperature is 34 degrees with 56-92% humidity. *nenek nenek naik skateboard juga tau!*
what does that means?
it means : Hot (see the definition about "hot")

what about prediction for 1 week ahead?
source : Mac's widget online weather report

definitely, 1 week ahead, the temperature's never going below 32 degrees, which means : it will be hot! (see explanation above for "hot")

And, here's a climate report for Indonesia :
source : Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Indonesia

*damn, what does that means??i don't have any idea at all...uhm...gotta look smart* So, the red circle is where we are now, it's Surabaya. The white "featherlike-spirals" are swirling below our city, let's consider it's a winds. As we can see, the spirals are moving below our islands, so that's means we're not gonna have any winds at all, that's why we feel hot tonight (again, see the explanation of hot, above)

so the conclusion is :


Now, let's take a break, it's singing time! :D
i've search some audio files for all this items below, just for you to be nostalgic.
if you're interested with all this songs, just tell me and i'll upload it for you :)

anyway, if someone wants to sing together, could anyone provide me with lyrics?i'll update my post if you ask for it :D

now, enjoy!

1. Sailormoon Anime Series

2. Satria Baja Hitam

umm, if mrtn read this, "i'm not wrong, it's Satria Baja Hitam, it haven't evolved to RX yet :p"

3. Legend of Condor Heroes

4. White snake Legend (Translated)

5. White Snake Legend (Original)

Sing with me!! :D


So here we go again, with part 02 of "How 90's are you?".
previous post was exquisitely funny to remember, how much do you actually remember those things from your childhood? as for me, i remember almost all of it!, but don't ask me the detail about each things :p, that's what i can't remember. (but i'm extremely amazed with someone who actually REMEMBER the theme song of one TV drama!).
anyway, let's continue the nostalgia, shall we?

oh, and now i'm opening request session for you who want me to post something from your childhood memories, i'll try to search it, or you can also suggest what should we post next time :)

here we go again!

1. Toys we used to play
okay, it actually should be posted under "Games we used to play" at previous post, but i think it's no problem, since yesterday i'm totally forgot this things. ah never mind, just check it :)
pic's info :
left :
1. Balon Tiup
this is an oldschool toys, just with only 150 rupiahs, you can get 2 tube of "some-kind-of-glue-that-actually-can-be-blown" and a mini straw (usually yellow), just put the gel to the straw and blow it slowly, to make it bloat. there are some peoples that always try to pop it out with their mouths, cause it'll make sounds like "tok!" or something like that. the funny things is, sometimes their saliva got mixed with the balloon after that...gross! hahaha
2. BePe a.k.a Bongkar Pasang
typically, a girls' toy. the paper doll with all the clothes and fashion equipment.

mid :
1. Pistol Karet
don't worry...it's safe actually. a must have toys for kids who dreamed to be a policeman...dream on kid...
2. YoYo
ah i remember this, sold for 500-1500 rupiahs, depends on the size. also there is a Yoyo that have a firestone with them, so whenever the Yoyo hit the asphalt or hard surfaces, it'll sparkle :D
3. Kapal Uap
a basic steamboat. just put a candle in it, and it'll goes round and round in the water surfaces...usually comes with this sounds : "tek tretek...tek tek...tekk"

right :
1. Tetris
the most annoying game for me. why?because it always try to insult me whenever i made a mistake when playing...still remember? "Boleh juga lu..." ; "Bego Lu!"
2. Spirogram
put your pen into one of their holes, and start writing, it'll make a beautiful Spirogram, and it came up differently depends on which hole you picked :p
3. Pesawat Gabus
simple...a paper plane, sometimes it takes bird figure also.

2. Snacks we used to eat (oh i love this part >.<)
2.1 Chocolates
pic's info :
top :
1. Choki-Choki
2. Coklat Ayam
don't ever think to translate it...chocolate chicken?chicken chocolate?aww, cmoon.
3. Chiki Stick
came up with 2 variants as far as i know, chocolate and strawberry :)

bottom :
1. Coklat Wafer Superman
2. Coklat Payung
this is so famous, even Rihanna made a song about this :
"i'm not gonna share you my umbrella...ella...ella..e..e..e.."

2.2 Candies and other sweet snacks
pic's info :
left :
1. Gulali
this is interesting, you can ask the seller to shape your Gulali into many shapes...the famous one is Corn shaped!
2. Pindy Pop
just a simple lollipop at that time...still remember the tv-ad jingle? "pindy pop...bikin gaya, makin ngepop"...*oops that's different pop, that's Hot Hot Pop's jingle :p*
3. Gulali Aeng-aeng a.k.a arum manis
hahaha looks like fiberglasses. but it actually some kind of Gulali that stringy (=berserabut)

mid :
1. Yosan Bubble Gum
the interesting thing about this bubble gum wasn't the candy itself, but it's packaging. each paper packaging contain 1 letter from Y-O-S-A-N. but as far as i remember, till i reach junior high school, i don't even close to complete all the letters -_-;
2. Mr Sarmento
sarsaparilla candy, had an unique taste, it was good actually.
3. Haw Flak Sour snacks
this is my all time favorites...it actually not a candy, but just some kind of "manisan" (i can't find the right term in english >.<)

right :
1. Chicklets
2. White Rabbit milk candy
i love this candy back when i was a kid, it tastes like milk. i always ask my mom this candy whenever i came home from school. but now, it's hard to find this candy anymore because of the Formaline issue. one thing i don't understand, i've consumed this candy since i was a kid, and i don't feel anything strange happened to my body...so what's wrong with this candy actually?!
3. Cotton candy

2.3 Other snacks and ice cream
pic's info:
top :
1. Anak Mas
you're not an Indonesian if you don't know this snack! it's a must for every kids!
2. Chiki Balls
3. Pentol

bottom :
1. Es Mambo
2. Es Tong-tong
we knew it's name because the seller will hit their can of ice, so it'll make a "tong...tong" sound :p

How's that again?bring back memories again, right?
Let's enjoy this for now, while i'm preparing the next posts :D

to be continue...
How 90's are you? part 01
Earlier, when we were on our way back home, me and Pink talking about lot of things. Just when we were passed her old elementary school (it's being demolished now), and she started to remember her old games at elementary school, her old life with her friends, her snacks when she was little girl.
That makes me wonder, how many from us still remember our old things from 90's? If we think about our childhood, i'm sure it was full of happiness, no need to think about future, no need to think about college and work, it was just play, play, and play :). So, for the sake of the thing called "nostalgia", I'm gonna gather and write down things from our childhood time :p.
take time to read all the things below, and let's see how much do you remember about your childhood.

and believe me, it brings back memories :)
p.s : for our lovely readers from o i'll write the names in Indonesia, because it'll make us feel nostalgic
here we go!

1. Games we used to play

pic's infos :
left :
1. Bola Bekel
2. Layangan
all I know about this game was, run as fast as you can and let's hope the kite would flew...
3. Petak Umpet
4. Lompat Tali
the ultimate and hardest game for me, how am i supposed to jump across the rubber rope that being putted at someone's head??

mid :
1. Congklak
2. Kelereng a.k.a Gundu
3. Gimbot a.k.a Gamewatch
it actual name was Gamewatch, but when i was a kid, i always heard it as Gimbot :p. One funny thing, usually the man who lend this machine standing in front of my school's gate, he attached a string to the machine, so we have to rent it for about 200 rupiahs for 5 minutes. when the time is out, he suddenly pull the strings, so we were forced to stop...damn you!
4. Tamagotchi

1. Tazos
2. Ular Tangga
3. Nintendo

2. Movies we used to watch

pic's info :
left :
1. Legend of Condor Heroes
2. White Snake Legend
do you actually remember the famous quote from this film? "ooh suamikuuu..." ; "ada apa istrikuu?"
3. Si Unyil

mid :
1. Knight Rider
2. Macgyver
Once, i always dismantle things just to assemble it again, just like Macgyver...and then i realize, Macgyver always get his jobs done, and i'm not...
3. Beverly Hills 90210
i still remember how hard for me to spell "nine-o-two-one-o", and when i'm able to pronounced it right, i'm so proud of myself...

right :
1. Dash! Yankuro
2. Candy-candy
3. Satria Baja Hitam

pic's info :
left :
1. Hercules
2. Renegade...starring Lorenzo Lamas!
come to think about it, is he really a hero?he always bring trouble wherever he goes

mid :
1. Swamp Things
2. Tour of Duty Tv series

right :
1. Si manis jembatan Ancol
2. Wiro Sableng
3. Dunia Dalam Berita!!

still remember her?yes! Maria Mercedes...starring Thalia!

Actually, there are still alot of things to be shared, but for now, let's enjoy this first :D
i'll keep you updated, so...
wait for the next posts :D

to be continue...

A small deed

Bonjour mes amis!!! :)
Well... it's been one week already I curled my hair permanently and still - I haven't uploaded any new photo nor changed my profile pic on facebook - yet.. hehe.. kinda not confident with my new thick-silly-childish bang actually :p

It's Monday morning, 12.30 AM exactly and I just remembered that I should have shared another lovely story a month ago but I forgot it.. This one is quite long, but trust me... It's a beautiful one.. So sit back and relax for while.. Happy reading guys! :)

I was born in a secluded village on a mountain. Day by day, my parents plowed the yellow dry soil with their backs towards the sky. I have a brother who is 3 years younger than me. I wanted to buy a handkerchief, which all girls around me seemed to have. So, one day I stole 50 cents from my father's drawer. Father had discovered about the stolen money right away. He made me and my younger brother kneel against the wall as he held a bamboo stick in his hand.

"Who stole the money?" he asked.

I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Neither of us admitted to the fault, so he said,

"Fine, if nobody wants to admit, you two should be beaten!"

He lifted up the bamboo stick. Suddenly, my younger brother gripped father's hand and said,

“Dad, I was the one who did it!"

The long stick smacked my brother's back repeatedly. Father was so angry that he kept on whipping my brother until he lost his breath. After that, he sat down on our stone bed and scolded my brother,

"You have learned to steal from your own house now. What other embarrassing things will you be possibly doing in the future? You should be beaten to death, you shameless thief!"

That night, my mother and I hugged my brother. His body was full of wounds from the beating but he never shed a single tear. In the middle of the night, all of sudden, I cried out loudly. My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said,

“Sis, now don’t cry anymore. Everything has happened."

I still hate myself for not having enough courage to admit what I did. Years gone by, but the incident still seemed like it just happened yesterday... I will never forget my brother's expression when he protected me. That year, my brother was 8 years old and I was 11 years old.

When my brother was in his last year of secondary school, he was accepted in an upper secondary school in the central. At the same time, I was accepted into a university in the province. That

night, father squatted in the yard, smoking, packet by packet. I could hear him ask my mother,

"Both of our children, they have good results? Very good results?"

Mother wiped off her tears and sighed,

"What is the use? How can we possibly finance both of them?"

At that time, my brother walked out, he stood in front of father and said,

"Dad, I don't want to continue my studies anymore, I have read

enough books."

Father swung his hand and slapped my brother on his face.

"Why do you have a spirit so damn weak? Even if it means I have to beg for money on the streets, I will send you two to school until you have both finished your studies."

And then, he started to knock on every house in the village to borrow money.

I stuck out my hand as gently as I can to my brother's swollen face, and told him,

"A boy has to continue his studies; if not, he will not be able to overcome this poverty we are experiencing."

I, on the other hand, had decided to further my studies at the university. Nobody knew that on the next day, before dawn, my brother left the house with a few pieces of worn-out clothes and a few dry beans. He sneaked to my side of the bed and left a note on my pillow;

"Sis, getting into a university is not easy. I will go find a job and I will send money to you."

I held the note while sitting on my bed, and cried until I lost my voice. That year, my brother was 17 years old; I was 20 years old..

With the money father borrowed from the whole village, and the money my brother earned from carrying cement on his back at a construction site, finally, I managed to get to the third year of my studies in the university. One day, while I was studying in my room, my roommate came in and told me,

"There's a villager waiting for you outside!"

Why would there be a villager looking for me? I walked out, and I saw my brother from afar. His whole body was covered with dirt, dust, cement and sand. I asked him,

"Why did you not tell my roommate that you are my brother?" He replied with a smile,

"Look at my appearance. What will they think if they would know that I am your brother? Won't they laugh at you?"

I felt so touched, and tears filled my eyes. I swept away dirt and dust from my brother's body. And told him with a lump in my throat,

“I don't care what people would say! You are my brother no matter what your appearance is!"

From his pocket, he took out a butterfly hair clip. He put it on my hair and said,

"I saw all the girls in town are wearing it. So, I think you should also have one."

I could not hold back myself anymore. I pulled my brother into my arms and cried. That year, my brother was 20 years old; I was 23 years old.

I noticed that the broken window was repaired the first time I brought my boyfriend home. The house was scrubbed cleaned. After my boyfriend left, I danced like a little girl in front of my mother,

"Mom, you didn't have to spend so much time cleaning the house!" But she told me with a smile,

"It was your brother who went home early to clean the house. Didn't you see the wound on his hand?

He hurt his hand while he was replacing the window."

I went into my brother's bedroom. Looking at his thin face, I felt like there are hundreds of needle pricked in my heart. I applied some ointment on his wound and put a bandage on it,

"Does it hurt?" I asked him.

"No, it doesn't hurt. You know, when at the

construction site, stones keep falling on my feet . Even that could not stop me from working."

In the middle of the sentence, he stopped. I turned my back on him and tears rolled down my face. That year, my brother was 23 years old; I was 26 years old.

After I got married, I lived in the city. Many times my husband invited my parents to come and live with us, but they didn't want. They said, once they left the village, they wouldn't know what to do. My brother agreed with them. He said,

"Sis, you just take care of your parents-in-law. I will take care of mom and dad here."

My husband became the director of his factory. We asked my brother to accept the offer of being the manager in the maintenance department but my brother rejected the offer. He insisted on working as a repairman instead for a start. One day, my brother was on the top of a ladder repairing a cable, when he got electrocuted, and was sent to the hospital. My husband and I visited him at the hospital. Looking at the white gypsum on his leg, I grumbled,

"Why did you reject the offer of being a manager? Managers won't do something dangerous like that. Now look at you, you are suffering from a serious injury. Why didn't you just listen to us?"

With a serious expression on his face, he defended his decision,

"Think of brother-in-law. He just became the director, and I being uneducated, would become a manager, what kind of rumors would fly around?"

My husband's eyes filled up with tears, and then I said,

"But you lack in education only because of me!"

"Why do you talk about the past?" he said and then he held my hand. That year, he was 26 years old and I was 29 years old.

My brother was 30 years old when he married a farmer girl from the village. During the wedding reception, the master of ceremonies asked him,

"Who is the one person you respect and love the most?"

Without even taking a time to think, he answered,

"My sister."

He continued by telling a story I could not even remember.

"When I was in primary grade, the school was in a different village. Everyday, my sister and I would walk for 2 hours to school and back home. One day, I lost the other pair of my gloves. My sister gave me one of hers. She wore only one glove and she had to walk far. When we got home, her hands were trembling because of the cold weather that she could not even hold her chopsticks. From that day on, I swore that as long as I live, I would take care of my sister and will always be good to her."

Applause filled up the room. All guests turned their attention to me. I found it hard to speak,

"In my whole life, the one I would like to thank most is my brother,"

And in this happy occasion, in front of the crowd, tears were rolling down my face again.

Love and care for the one you love every single day of your life. You may think what you did is just a small deed, but to that someone, it may mean a lot.

God bless-and have a nice day everyone!
Pink Pearl
my dream •°°•.☆

Hi all :) Blue is back.. Just a quick update of my life..
I quit my in-house designer job and has decided to back to be an independent designer. If you ask me why i quit, then maybe you should read What's your inner voice telling you. That's a true story which pink posted few weeks ago.

I still need time to adjust myself to this new time schedule and else but i really enjoy what i am doing right now.
assistant lecturer + independent designer + so much free time = productive + happy

That so-much-free-time gave me space to think and think... to dream and dream..
btw..do you have a dream? what is it? do you have the courage to pursue it?
tell me, i really want to know :)

blue (in the process of re-creating her dream and pursue it, wish me luck ;p)
I'm so glad it was you
Have you a best friend? What qualities should a best friend have? I myself have had a number of friends in my life of which only one has stood the test of time and become my best friend. No, I'm not gonna tell you how i met my best friend, how long we've been friend, and other general things. But, I'm gonna tell you about how your best friend could change everything, help you making decisions, and makes you a better person. So, today, i decide to write something for my only best friend. It's just my personal thought :)

Earlier today, I had an interesting conversation on my messenger, about some job application that I've sent a few days ago. Okay, not a job application actually, it's just my portfolio for someone who interested with my designs. The funny thing is, I didn't have any intention at all to send it, I mean, I had my own studio, that run very well right now (well at last that's how it looks for me). I talked to my best friend, and like usual, I asked her for any advice, and always trust her words for any decisions that I think it's hard for me to decide it alone, or whenever I don't feel sure to myself. Her advice is simple, without any other comments or asking around, "Send it". Yeah, I only need those simple words from her to convince me. So, i prepared it, and sent it right away. As for me, I didn't have any confidence that my application will be considered. But then today, the person whom I sent my portfolio asked for my messenger account and wanted to discuss something. Hey! Thanks! I’m glad you considering me!

... And thanks to my best friend for convincing me (once again)

It’s quite a while we’ve been friend . I was thinking back through my life and trying to remember how many times you’ve been helping me making any decisions, how many advices and admonitions that you already gave me, how many crazy hours we've spent together, how many stupid acts we've done (err, it's my stupid acts actually), how many wise words that you gave to me, you don’t know, you just don’t know. I never met such a smart person that I can rely, that I can depend on, and mostly, whom willing to put her everything in helping me (no, you’re not lazy, I know that, you just don’t want to waste your energy to something useless).

… And you surely did leave something along your path.

But, just like a story book, the story itself wouldn’t be interesting if there isn’t any conflicts. Still remember when I yelled at you and we’re not saying hello to each other? Okay, I won’t do that again, cause I’m not feeling so well after that (thank God, it only happened for 3 days). You know how stubborn I am, and I have enough courage to “waste” friends.
I still remember what you’ve said to me on my 22nd birthday :
“you’re a man now, and you should take choices…”
and here’s a choices that I’ve made, and probably one of my own best decisions that I’ve made : to stay with you and keep you as my best friend, the one who listening to my dreams

…And for Upang a.k.a punk de pinkpankponk (damn, I love this nickname!), always remember this :

You are my best friend, My very best friend, You make me happy, Everyday. That’s why I enjoying every little times we share,
Talk to me whenever you feel sad, I may not be a help for you, but at least I’m sitting beside you and listening,
Tell me whenever you’re mad at me, if you don’t tell me, I’ll ask anyway,
Scold me whenever I’m wrong,
Laugh with me whenever you feel happy, and I’ll make you laugh even more,
You’re one of the best things that happens to my life, and truly a gift,
Don’t pout, especially to me, you’re not pretty whenever you’re pouting,

You’re my only best friend, and that’s why I love you unconditionally. I thank God for my friends who I love unconditionally and those who love me. It represents the strength of our friendship,

We’re bestest friend, always have, always will…

Just like what Carole King sang in her song :

Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
You've become the memory I can't erase…

You could have been anyone at all
A stranger falling out of the blue
I'm so glad it was you

Yeah, I’m so glad it was you, Pang :)


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